get rid of negativity

access your inner happiness

believe in your brighter now

bring hope back into your life

say goodbye to anxiety

cut your overwhelm

get rid of negativity access your inner happiness believe in your brighter now bring hope back into your life say goodbye to anxiety cut your overwhelm

Welcome to Chaya Hinda Coaching Academy

We Offer:

with Senior Life Coach Chaya Hinda

Hi, I'm Chaya Hinda, founder of the
Chaya Hinda Coaching Academy

For over two decades, I've had the incredible zechus of serving the women of Klal Yisrael

You might have noticed our logo depicts a leaping deer. The bright colors flowing within the deer are taken from a beautiful piece of artwork picturing a waterfall.

My name “Hinda” is Yiddish for a deer, and the waterfall of “mayim chayim” — like my name Chaya — flows to the deer.

The deer is a symbol of the longing of Klal Yisrael for Hashem, our Beloved King. According to Rav Chaim Chernowitz in Sidduro shel Shabbos, every blessing in the world is bestowed in response to our thoughts, speech and deeds down here. Hashem's loving blessings are unconditional, but they are a response to us. Our 'Hinda' is leaping upward — and together we are growing, always on the journey higher...

The waterfall symbolizes the constant and continuous stream of bounty and blessings that Hashem sends down to the world. Rav Elimelech of Lizhensk quotes his brother Reb Zushe, that when we leave all worry, and strengthen our belief and trust in Hashem, His bounty flows down to us with no interruption.

My hope and prayer is that Hashem's unconditional blessings continue always to flow to us all

Book a FREE, One-on-One, No Obligation, Coaching Discovery Session

with senior Life Coach Chaya Hinda

From anxiety and negativity, to peace, connection and happiness

Or are you interested in becoming a coach yourself?

Chaya Hinda Coaching Academy Presents:

Become a Coach - Training Course

  • Have you been inspired by your own coaching journey?

  • Do you want to help others step into their best lives too?

  • Do you feel ready to not only turn your own life around but to be a shlicha for other Jewish women around the world as well?

  • If so — would you like to train with the founder of Chaya Hinda Coaching Academy to become a Coach yourself?

That's great!

As a life coach, you will have the opportunity to make a significant positive impact on the lives of others.

Your expertise and experience can provide guidance, motivation, and support to individuals who are navigating different life challenges or transitions.

It's important to continue learning and staying updated on the latest trends and research in the field of coaching to provide the best possible service to your clients.

Remember to also focus on your own personal growth and self-care to maintain the energy and enthusiasm needed to be an effective coach.

Best of luck in your coaching journey!

Chaya Hinda empowers others by imbuing them with an optimistic approach to life, born of faith and trust in Hashem’s goodness and love. For the past twenty-five years, Chaya Hinda has been guiding, teaching, coaching, and mentoring women of all ages and stages ‎‎(from teenagers to great-grandmothers; professionals, entrepreneurs, stay-at-home ‎moms, Rebbetzins, community leaders and more). She specializes in helping them cut overwhelm and frustration, and ‎gracefully navigate challenging relationships and life situations, sharing tools and insights through classes, guided imageries, one-on-one coaching, group coaching programs, trips, and retreats.

When you join her community, be ready to laugh a lot along your path of growth, and to be surprised by how much goodness you discover within yourself.

You're changing my soul for the positive

“How is it that I feel you're reaching so deeply into my soul and changing it for the positive! I never experienced this before! This is so powerful.”

I’m a different person now - calm and relaxed!

”Thanks to your classes Chaya Hinda, I’m a different person, much more calm and relaxed. When I am overwhelmed, I review the tools you gave us and use them to centre myself. The guided imageries in particular have changed me. They are so powerful.“

Calm, confident and excited

Every morning I listen to a ‘Chaya Hinda track’ It completely frames my entire day, often my whole week. If I’m feeling distracted or worried, listening to the classes helps me see the positive end to my day. I feel so much more calm, confident and just excited to go into my day because of it. I have seen lots of areas of success, both small and large… “

I have more tools to cope with any challenge I face.

“After being coached by Chaya Hinda, besides having had a real listening ear, I feel empowered and connected to the wells of inner strength, love and trust I have within myself. I have more tools to cope with any challenge I face”