get rid of negativity

access your inner happiness

believe in your brighter now

bring hope back into your life

say goodbye to anxiety

cut your overwhelm

get rid of negativity access your inner happiness believe in your brighter now bring hope back into your life say goodbye to anxiety cut your overwhelm

Would you like to:

- work directly with senior life coach Chaya Hinda?

- tap into your inner well of faith and trust?

-find joy within your relationships?

-heal from relational trauma?

-receive support in clarifying your goals?

-dissolve the blocks that are holding you back?

- Find motivation to transform your life

Receive your FREE, no obligation, one-on-one, coaching discovery session

with Chaya Hinda

From anxiety and negativity, to peace, connection and happiness

Before I worked together with Chaya Hinda, I was stuck in the past. I felt broken in many pieces.

My biggest challenges were dealing with unprocessed trauma and confusion in the framework of the way I was treated while growing up.
I judged myself by the way others viewed me. If one person viewed me in a negative way, that is how I defined myself. I dwelled on the negativity.
I was missing out on a lot of love and goodness in my present life. I was in a lot of emotional pain.

What made the biggest difference while we worked together was that I feel safe working with Chaya Hinda. I was able to go back to painful places and reframe them.
Now I have many tools to face my challenges. I appreciate my loved ones so much more.
I am able to navigate in a positive way when faced with challenging people who hurt me.
I do not feel broken. My physical, spiritual and emotional lives are connected to each other. I feel more whole.
I have grown. I recognize my present challenges in a less hurtful way. I realize that the current pain is only a small part of a much larger issue.
It is wonderful to be taking a coaching course with Chaya Hinda where the subject of learning is YOU.
— Anonymous
I felt a lot of deep frustration – within myself, with the world around me and in my relationship with Hashem. I felt stuck – stuck in one place, not knowing how to get out.
I didn’t fully know who I was. There were many layers within myself that I didn’t know were there.
That created a lot of self-doubt, not much positive self talk, and being very hard on myself for not being perfect. All this led to so much the deep frustration.
In Chaya Hinda’s
coaching, we did a lot of deep soul diving. Chaya Hinda helped me understand why things were the way they were, and that they don’t have to be that way forever. We “slayed many dragons” that were not allowing me to be the best version of myself.
Since beginning coaching with Chaya Hinda, I feel so much better overall. I have so much more clarity, I feel more confident and stronger. I’m in a much better place, and a lot more positive. Things don’t feel as heavy as they did before; a weight has been lifted and I can feel myself breathe!
The painful things that used to weigh me down are now in the past. The moments we spent working on them were very difficult and sometimes painful, like opening a wound you really don’t want to look at. But after the pain and ugliness slowly goes away, you begin to feel whole again.
Working with Chaya Hinda is different. We work on mending the mind , body and soul; understanding myself and my relationship with Hashem. It’s a process of recognizing that I have so many great strengths that were always there but for whatever reason got covered up or pushed to the side.
If you want a good soul “workout,” then working with Chaya Hinda is a very good place to start.
Thank you, Chaya Hinda. May all your good work be a zechus for you and your family.
— Anonymous
I really appreciate and benefit greatly from Chaya Hinda’s vast and comprehensive knowledge, which she is so willing to share. Her loving kindness and acceptance is invaluable. I am so grateful to be able to work with her. I look forward to each session because I get closer to my goal even though it is uncomfortable.
Chaya Hinda keeps me going with her gentle reminders that emunah is key and that putting one foot in front of the other is the only way forward. She gives me clarity with her ability to sum things up and put them in perspective.

Chaya Hinda is a person I respect and admire, and a real mentor (no pressure!). I am completely convinced that she is in the very top of her field of healing. She helps me believe that I can achieve my goals.
— Anonymous